• About Me

    More than 50 years of experience in various fields...15 years in CPA firms doing audit, tax, liquidation, accounting; 8 years as business manager cum journalist in a small American news agency; ,10 years in insurance and investment as financial planner; and 5 years in IT system integration.


    As I am keen on numerology, I calculated that I am very good in training and writing (I learn how to copywrite when working in the press). I still love writing.


    I have gone into semi retirement by writing eBooks and training others how to write. I'd collaborate with any financial planners on areas like estate planning, succession planning and family office using my professional contacts.


    If interested please contact me.


    My current project

    Currently I specialise in helping financial planners to write eBooks to reach MDRT, TOT and COT.


    How? You may want to know. What're the main concerns about your business? Lack of activities? No clients? No contacts?


    If I can show you a way to generate quality leads continuously, will you be interested to know more?


    You can give away free ebook about your service -- e.g. estate planning. Those who download from our eVenchise platform, their names, mobiles and emails will be forwarded to your mobile. You are getting qualified leads!


    Download a free eBook, Estate Planning and Will Writing for Financial Planners, from my bookstore at http://larryebooks.com. Click on the three bar menu and click free to download the ebook. This eBook is for financial planners who are keen on estate planning. It is not meant to be given to your prospects. You need to write one eBook for that purpose


    At the last page of your eBook you can put in your contact details with text like free estate planning to get prospects to contact you.


    We can teach you how to use printed ebook to create curiousity about your services when you meetup with prospects to open up cases. Learn how to place a hook to fish for customers. He who opens his mouth first loses.


    If interested to learn more, please contact me.


    Visit my ebook store to get free ebooks -- http://larryebooks.com.



    Click here if you want to learn how to write eBook for your life insurance and investment business.


  • Other professions we work with

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    Property Agents

    Write eBooks -- e,g, The best property investments in Singpaore in 2024.

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    Trainers (any subject)

    Write eBooks -- e.g. How to reduce your weight by 30 kg within 3 months without dieting.

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    Self motivation trainers

    Write eBooks -- e.g. How to use NLP in your business for better communications,

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    MLM and networkers

    Write eBooks--e.g. How I made my first million through MLM networking business

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    Pastor and church leaders

    Write eBooks--e.g. How God raises SGD 5 millions for our church building fund

  • "Create eBook once and get paid forever!"


    Lawrence Tham

  • Areas of Services

    Let's collaborate

    Register your company SG & HKG

    Learn which countries are best for migration

    Write once to get paid forever

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